I Am Planning To Have My Second Child Through Surrogacy

Should I go for it?

Daily Rants
3 min readJul 8, 2024

Life is full of changes and challenges. At home, my daughter Eleanor, who is ten, is asking for a brother or sister. At work, I am busy managing my own business. It’s tough to balance both. Adding another child to our family isn’t just about meeting Eleanor’s wishes — it’s about planning our family’s future while continuing my professional commitments. As much as I would cherish another pregnancy, my current responsibilities and career trajectory make it impractical. Surrogacy appears to be a promising alternative.

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

Why Am I Going For Surrogacy?

I am currently weighing the decision of surrogacy, which involves numerous discussions, thorough research, and deep personal reflection. I am considering various factors like my health, the impact on my career, and our family dynamics. Surrogacy is appealing because it offers a way to have a biological child without the physical and time demands of pregnancy.

A major reason surrogacy is attractive is its compatibility with my business activities. Stepping away from work for an extended period is not feasible, and surrogacy would allow me to maintain my professional focus while expanding our family. Surrogacy also suits our current family setup well. Since my husband and I have not resumed an intimate relationship since remarrying, surrogacy provides a straightforward path to parenthood without complicating our current dynamics. It’s a practical and appealing choice.


I am exploring the different types of surrogacy and the processes involved. Gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate carries our biologically related child without any genetic connection to herself, seems like the best choice. It’s clear and straightforward.

Understanding the medical procedures involved, from IVF to embryo transfer, is crucial. These require collaboration with trusted medical professionals who specialize in reproductive technologies. This is about building a team that supports a healthy and successful surrogacy.

Selecting the right surrogate is critical. This person would not just carry our next child; they would become a part of our lives for the duration of the pregnancy. It is essential to find someone whose values align with ours and who we can trust completely. This relationship is both a legal agreement and a personal connection.

Navigating Emotions and Relationships

Talking to Eleanor about surrogacy is vital. I want her to feel involved and important in this decision. We discuss what surrogacy means and reassure her that this baby would be her sibling, just like any other. Her excitement about being a big sister is growing.

Managing our expectations is also crucial. Surrogacy, while sometimes seeming like a business arrangement, is deeply personal and emotional. We are preparing for both the highs and lows, knowing this journey will strengthen our family bond.

Ethical, Legal, and Financial Considerations

I am learning about the ethical and legal implications of surrogacy. It’s important to proceed in a way that is respectful and lawful, ensuring the rights of the surrogate are fully protected and her well-being is prioritized.

Surrogacy is also a significant financial commitment. We are considering all possible costs from medical expenses to legal fees. It’s a major investment, but one that seems worthwhile for the sake of our family’s future happiness and well-being.

