Is Medium Going to Recalculate Our Earnings?
What is the recent update on the Partner Program Earnings?
Writing on Medium has always been a fun ride for me. My words have found a cozy corner on the internet where people can read them, and I can get some pennies in my pocket — it was a win-win for everyone!
But after September 25, there was a massive drop in my earnings, which wasn’t making sense. I also wrote a story about it — “Why Is There A Massive Drop In Medium Earnings?” I decided to message the Medium Support Team to understand why this was happening. They had an alarming story to tell.
Truth Behind the Decline
Yesterday, when I opened my inbox, I saw a reply from the Medium Support Team, and my eyes zoomed in on the words “fraudulent activity.” So, it turns out a bunch of people thought it would be a good idea to cheat the system and steal from writers like us.
The email explained that these bad actors created fake accounts and used sneaky tricks to funnel money away from genuine writers. And that’s why my earnings, and likely the earnings of several others, took an unexpected nosedive. But Medium wasn’t about to let them get away with it. The support team assured me that they caught these cheaters and kicked them out of the platform.
Reassurance Through Rectifying Measures
After catching the troublemakers, Medium is now focused on setting things right for all of us affected by this mess. They’re going to recalculate and adjust the earnings that got tangled up in this dishonest scheme. So, for those of us who saw our earnings drop, there’s a bit of relief coming our way.
Medium promised they would make up for the lost earnings, which we’d see reflected in our October reports. Moreover, Medium is extending a transparent hand by keeping us all in the loop about what’s going on. They’re not just fixing the issue silently but also making sure we know what happened, how they’re fixing it, and what they’re doing to prevent this from happening again in the future.
Let’s Keep Writing and Sharing
Writers are the heart and soul of Medium. Without the stories, experiences, and insights that writers bring to the platform, it simply wouldn’t be the vibrant and insightful space it is.
That’s why when things go sideways, like with this sneaky fraudulent activity, it’s not just about the money. It’s about protecting the writers, who pour their creativity and thoughts into their pieces and ensuring their energies aren’t exploited or dampened by deceitful actions.
We truly appreciate the level of openness and honesty by Medium. It gives us peace, knowing they’re looking out for us and ensuring we’re treated fairly. So, let’s keep writing, let’s keep sharing, and let’s continue to build this wonderful community where our voices are heard, valued, and rewarded.