Say No To Sex Before Marriage

The case for waiting until marriage

Daily Rants
3 min readJun 5, 2024

From my own life, I’ve learned that having sex before marriage can really complicate things. I faced this reality myself when I got pregnant before I was married. Although I did marry my partner afterwards but I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time we decided to get married. This experience showed me how unpredictable life can be and how premarital intimacy can lead to unexpected situations that might not be easy to manage.

Looking back, I believe it was a mistake to engage in a physical relationship before being fully ready for all the possible outcomes. It’s not just about dealing with a pregnancy; it’s also about handling the emotional ups and downs that come with such a close relationship. If I could share a piece of advice, it would be to wait until you’re married, when you’re more likely to be stable and truly prepared for both the joys and the challenges of a physical relationship.

Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

The Emotional Impact of Premarital Relationships

Engaging in a physical relationship before marriage can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions. Often, people enter these relationships without fully understanding or discussing their expectations with their partner. This lack of clarity can cause feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and even betrayal if both partners are not on the same page. For instance, one person might see the relationship as more casual, while the other might be thinking about a long-term commitment. These mismatched expectations can strain the relationship and hurt both people emotionally.

Moreover, when a physical relationship progresses before an emotional or relational foundation is firmly in place, it can overshadow the need to build trust and communication. This might lead to unresolved conflicts and a shaky foundation that struggles to support the demands of a deeper, long-term partnership. Waiting until marriage often gives couples the time to develop a strong emotional connection and understand each other’s values and goals, which are crucial for managing life’s challenges together.

Building Trust and Commitment

Building a strong foundation of trust and commitment in a relationship often takes time and deep understanding between partners. Waiting until marriage to engage in physical intimacy can play an important role in this process. It allows couples to focus on getting to know each other’s personalities, values, and life goals. This approach helps ensure that when couples do decide to take their relationship to the next level, they are doing so with a mutual understanding and respect for each other’s boundaries and expectations.

Furthermore, when a couple waits until marriage, it often strengthens their commitment to each other. They have already demonstrated a significant level of dedication and patience by choosing to prioritize their emotional connection over immediate physical gratification. This commitment lays a robust groundwork for a stable and fulfilling marriage, where trust is not just an aspiration but a reality built through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Cultural and Ethical Considerations

Different cultures and religions have varied views on premarital physical relationships, many of which are rooted in deep ethical and moral beliefs. In many societies, waiting until marriage to engage in physical intimacy is highly valued. These traditions often emphasize the sanctity and exclusivity of the physical bond within marriage, seeing it as a commitment that strengthens not just the individual relationship but also the community’s social fabric. By adhering to these cultural norms, individuals often find a sense of belonging and acceptance within their community, reinforcing the cultural importance of marriage as a life milestone.

Ethically, waiting until marriage is seen by many as a way to promote respect and dignity between partners. It allows both individuals to enter into their marriage with clear expectations and a mutual understanding that their relationship is serious and intended to last a lifetime. This perspective can reduce the emotional risks associated with more casual relationships, such as feelings of being used or regrets, which can arise from mismatched expectations about the relationship’s significance. These ethical considerations offer a framework that helps individuals make choices that align with their values and the expectations of their cultural and religious communities.

